In 2012, television audiences were treated to a refreshingly unique and delightfully dark comedy-drama called “Being Human.” This captivating series explored the complex lives of three supernatural roommates navigating the mundane challenges of everyday life while grappling with their own monstrous natures. Set in Bristol, England, the show followed Aidan (played by the charismatic Aiden Turner), a charming but tormented vampire struggling with his insatiable bloodlust; Mitchell (portrayed with soulful intensity by Toby Whithouse), a werewolf wrestling with the beast within; and George (a lovable nerd brought to life by Russell Tovey), a ghost desperately trying to connect with the living.
“Being Human” transcended typical monster tropes, presenting its characters not as grotesque figures of fear but as flawed, relatable individuals seeking solace, acceptance, and ultimately, connection.
A Supernatural Trinity: Exploring Complexities Beyond The Bite
Aidan, the centuries-old vampire, grapples with his past sins while desperately trying to maintain his humanity. His struggle for control over his vampiric urges forms a central theme throughout the series. Aidan’s journey involves navigating a complex moral landscape, questioning his own nature and ultimately yearning for redemption.
Mitchell, the tormented werewolf, battles an inner duality between his human compassion and the ferocious beast that lurks within him. His transformations are depicted not merely as physical occurrences but as visceral psychological struggles that highlight the fragility of self-control and the constant battle against primal instincts.
George, the eternally optimistic ghost, adds a layer of humor and pathos to the trio. His inability to interact physically with the world creates a unique perspective on human relationships and mortality. George’s yearning for connection and his unwavering belief in the goodness of others serve as a poignant reminder of the importance of empathy and compassion.
Beyond Bloodlust: Exploring Themes of Identity, Love, and Belonging
“Being Human” masterfully weaves together elements of supernatural horror with poignant explorations of human emotions. The series delves into themes of identity, self-acceptance, love, and belonging in a way that resonates deeply with viewers. The characters’ struggles to find their place in the world mirror our own experiences of navigating social connections, confronting personal demons, and searching for meaning.
A Look at Relationships: Love, Loss, and Loyalty in “Being Human”
Love takes on various forms throughout the series, from Aidan’s forbidden romance with a human woman named Kat (played by Lacey Turner) to Mitchell’s complex relationship with Annie (played by Lenora Crichlow), a ghost who becomes an integral part of their makeshift family. These relationships highlight the transformative power of love and its ability to transcend boundaries and bridge seemingly insurmountable gaps.
The theme of loss permeates the series, reminding us of the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing our connections. Each character experiences profound losses that shape their perspectives and force them to confront the fleeting nature of existence.
Loyalty emerges as a powerful bond between the trio. Despite their differences, they form an unbreakable connection based on mutual understanding, acceptance, and unwavering support for one another.
“Being Human”: A Legacy of Heartfelt Storytelling
The series concluded in 2013 after four seasons, leaving behind a legacy of heartfelt storytelling, nuanced character development, and thought-provoking explorations of the human condition. “Being Human” offered a fresh take on the supernatural genre, proving that monsters can be complex, relatable, and ultimately, capable of love and redemption. Its unique blend of humor, horror, and pathos resonated with audiences worldwide, solidifying its place as a cult classic.
Why “Being Human” is Worth Your Time:
- Exceptional Casting: Aiden Turner, Toby Whithouse, and Russell Tovey deliver captivating performances that bring the characters to life with depth and authenticity.
- Thought-provoking Themes: The series explores complex themes such as identity, morality, love, loss, and the nature of humanity in a nuanced and engaging way.
- Unique Blend of Genres: “Being Human” seamlessly blends elements of supernatural horror, comedy, and drama, creating a captivating viewing experience that keeps audiences on their toes.
- Relatable Characters: Despite their monstrous natures, the characters are fundamentally relatable, struggling with human emotions and dilemmas that resonate with viewers.
Table: Character Comparison
Character | Supernatural Ability | Personality Traits | Key Struggles |
Aidan (Vampire) | Immortality, Superhuman Strength, Compulsion for Blood | Charming, Tortured, Yearning for Redemption | Controlling his bloodlust, Dealing with guilt over past actions |
Mitchell (Werewolf) | Transformation into a Wolf | Compassionate, Tormented, Desperate to Control the Beast Within | Balancing his human and wolf nature |
George (Ghost) | Invisibility, Ability to Pass Through Objects | Optimistic, Lonely, Yearning for Connection | Finding a way to interact with the living world |
If you’re looking for a TV series that will captivate your imagination, make you laugh, and leave you pondering life’s big questions, then “Being Human” is definitely worth a watch.